Health and safety info & short survey
Concerns about H&S communications from uWaterloo
OrganizeUW is concerned that the uWaterloo administration is not communicating relevant health and safety information to graduate student workers and sessional instructors.
Please find the most recent information sent December 14 by the uWaterloo administration posted here on
Also, please take a minute to answer our four question survey about health and safety information communications from the uWaterloo administration.
Your responses will be important for us to make sure uWaterloo is including all workers in important health and safety communications.
In solidarity,
Committee to OrganizeUW
p.s. Don't forget to join the GSA in their event “Live Q&A with Organize UW” to ask questions about the graduate student-led union drive on campus:
Live Q&A with Organize UW
Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
Live on their Instagram @gsa.uwaterloo