cost of living

Student-worker organizing is surging on campuses across Canada (Story|The Breach)

This article in The Breach powerfully shows how the cost-of-living crisis, alongside long-standing mistreatment of student workers, are inspiring student-workers across Canada to unionize - in UBC, SFU, Dalhousie, and of course, our movement in UW.

OrganizeUW Aims to Unionize TAs RAs and Lecturers at UW (Story|The Community Edition)

The Community Edition profiles Organize UW, with organizers explaining the motivation and current state of the drive, as well as the precarity, cost-of-living crisis, and neglect pushing us to organize for a better workplace.

Why University of Waterloo Workers Need a Union (Story|Passage)

This article in Passage shows why we need a union in Waterloo! Volunteer worker organizers describe the conditions that inspired OrganizeUW, the challenges - and the creative solutions - around organizing during remote learning, and the catastrophic impacts the pandemic has had on student workers and sessional instructors.